Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Huge Tiny House...Rotten Logs - A Generator - Moss - SNAKE!

Taking it in stride, this journey has quite the bumps and twists in the road already. Have I told you yet, it is always this way, never a smooth sail, I cannot remember when something was easy for me. It's a constant facepalm. But I have gotten used to working around stuff when it happens. In my mind, I always go fine then, which way will it be and what next?

Wouldn't you know it, all four logs on the gazebo are rotting at the base.
It took a very smart friend of ours Bob, and my husband only a few minutes before we got started to double check the logs. So, we will not be using them.

Instead, we are going to take the roof off and move it up the way on what we call the landing. That sounds so easy does it not? Snort, it will be an experience.

We will add new posts and then enclose the bugger.  Years ago pads were put down in anticipation of putting in a mobile home by the old owners, before we purchased the land and that will reduce the cost of putting up the huge tiny house. The base is almost ready to go.

Today we will go up and scrape the moss and such off the foundations and prep it for building. We will cut back the brush, make a pile of burnable for the middle of winter when the ground and everything else is frozen, far enough away from the landing that the huge tiny house will not get any embers.

Then we will count the blessings so far to see what we have left to gather to get this build. One of them is a long term loan of a generator until we get sorted out. God is good.

I wonder will I see another snake. It was a lovely dusty thing in a pewter shade of grey.  I'm ambivalent on this snake issue. Having had them when I was younger as pets, I'm not frightened so much as wary. Even if they are not poisonous they can and do bite so...I think I need a better pair of shoes for out there. Yes, I know snakes as pets, whatever will you learn about me yet?

This is how I imagine this journey going...

So far it is more like this:

Lots of nail pulling to go although the men got quite a few done so far. This was the haul from Bob! What a wonderful fella. So if you ever hear me say something that seems bazaar, like I love sleeping with Bob's gift...this is what I mean. Look at all that fabulous wood. It will be part of the floor, or the walls. Ooooooo. 

And we picked up enough baseboard to do the whole Huge Tiny House!!! 

Anyway, that is what is happening...I will begin to post pictures, when I remember to bring the camera. Duh....

I hope you have as good a day doing what you are doing, I know what I will be doing. Ha! Ha ha!

I'll type at you later.

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