Friday, July 11, 2014

So,, This Fire That We Just Lived Through Want To Know Why I Panicked So Easily?

On this fire out in Stevens County where our land is located. boy did I go through a lot of emotional claptrap. The fear of losing the only asset you have to fire is really quite unsettling. We don'Just a few trees and some dirt to some is about to become our home. Now that is is not eminent of course I can easily say, oh if  it had burned it can always grow back. Certainly it can, but how long would that take.  But all of this is savable for another blog, this one is about my level of panic over the  potential loss.  

 All my life stuff happens, random what they heck stuff sometimes it’s so negative I want to pull my hair out and stomp my feet and go wahhhhh and shut myself in a closet.

The decision to move ourselves out to the property really is a decision based on no other choice because of stuff, the world has made lemons around us and we are going to make some pretty special lemonade.

I just don't want to get into the details they are sooooo much drama that I want to set it aside and just do this.
Yesterday, to first hear about the fire being so close, about three miles away from the property, is not as far as you think when a forest is dry like tinder as it is right now. 

One thing I bet most of you don't know is that my husband used to volunteer fire fight many years ago, so we know a bit more about how quick a fire can consume three acres, even if they are quite green for there is more fuel to burn.
Plus when I was about 23 a bunch of us went camping and got stuck in the middle of a wildfire. Obviously we made it out but these things leave an impression.

Needless to say for the first 24 hours of any huge stuff happening thingyabob, I turn to jello before my natural instinct is to turn it into something good. 

Anyway, its over for now, everything is fine. 

Got any leftover pieces of wood?

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