Sunday, February 8, 2015

Oh Em Gee - Why Oh Why

The picture does hide the problem effectively,
I wish it were so, Oh Em Gee.

Sometimes the best laid plans have to be thrown out.

By turning our gazebo into a Tiny House we were working with a building that was not square, level or even perfect in any way.

Why oh why? Making a decision of this magnitude under duress is why. But it has become a perfect blessing so who would have thought, hmmmm?

As we have built out from the gazebo the room has taken shape but we have been forced to accept that there will never be a level or perfect wall in the house.

This has lead to some complicated methods to get closer and closer to plumb, square and level with the understanding that it will never be perfect.

When we made to choice to use the paneling we found for this room we did not think of the lines that were in the product and how they would enhance the not square of the room.

Instead of this wall being a simple finish, we have determined that we need to rip strips of wood to cover the seams, this way we can adjust plumb visually at the least.

I have found an aspen board that is probable 50 years old. We will plane it, sand it smooth, and then cut half inch strips to cover the seams. This will give the face of the paneling, which is thin aspen anyway a more substantial finish as well as disguising the not so plumb in the room. I will post another picture once it is finished but there you go.

A way to fix a rather large but overall insignificant issue in our not so level but perfect, Huge Tiny House.

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