Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Huge Tiny Houses, sure they are Tiny But...

Here we are with a portion of the floor going in. There will be two storage area's fit right into the floor for emergency provision storage. Rechargeable batteries, matches, the typical first aid kit that type of thing. Insulation first and then a box fitted out with a strong lid that will act as the floor area and can be walked on. Out in the woods there is always the possibility of being stranded, ointment, band-aids, etc., will be in the box, who knows when we will need that type of thing.  There needs to be a place for them that does not take up regular living space so in the floor in an easy access box they will go.  

Wow, there is just as much work in this Huge Tiny House as there is to building a regular house. It's the same spaces but only smaller and compact. Every inch is used differently than a regular house too. If there is a bare space then it is a wasted space, if it is not convertible to storage space.

Certainly you want an aesthetic sense to the room but if it is a space simply for a piece of art then it is smart to figure out how to also have storage. An example of one of the things we are going to do is to sink extra spaces between the 2' by 4" interior walls that have a less visible door. Art can be hung on it with a lock down hanger and the art will not float around or fall off the door when the door is opened. Paints, brushes and such for my art will be stored out of the way. Bookshelves will also be sunk into the interior walls as well as storage under the future stairwell so that no space goes unused.

The only space that will not be put to double use is the original roof to the gazebo.
Here it is in a picture from a few years ago, the transformation will be most interesting.

I believe we will leave the four corner beams showing. But I do have a husband who might forget and bury it when I am not around. The key is I have to be flexible with what happens to the existing space based on it's peculiar dimensions. If you read the last blog you would know this portion of the Tiny House is not exactly square. Being a temporary house that will end up being storage and my ad hock art studio on the property it really does not matter and saving the money on the roof materials was more important.

 Because of the small space we will be hugging the drywall right to the roof structure to give it a bit of an arched ceiling. Extending the 10 by ten space up for a feel of largess in the room. Pulleys will be hung for shelving that lifts out of the way in the middle which will also house the unique skylight I have found that is not only DYI but waterproof and will charge solar lights for the room. Why waste electrical when you don't need to waste electricity? Rhetorical question really, we are going as passive as we can without expensive materials.   

Ok, we are off to work out the day, between packing up the store and house and finishing the first two spaces so we can be on site by midnight this next
 Sunday we are very busy. 


Tina Bjorkland of Spokane Voice has started a Go Fund Me for us, even a dollar would help.

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